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Confessions of a Designer

Dripping in waistbeads

I'm thrilled that you have chosen our shop. I say our shop because although I haven't met you personally, I know we are more alike than we are different. As women, we all could use some type of inspiration from time to time. We go through so much being told by the media how we should act, or what we should look like. I beg to differ. I am here to let you know that YOU are all beautiful just the way YOU are. 


I have always been crafty. It runs through the genes of many of the strong women in my family. Being a wife and mother of four children, these skills came in handy. Making everything from my daughters hair bows , to my sons valentine boxes for school parties. I was always able to cost-effectively create something fantastic for my children so that they felt special. I absolutely love making gifts for people. For me, it just always seems more personal. 


There is something different about designing crafts that are designed to inspire women. When I made my first strand of waist beads and tied it around my belly, the feeling was electrifying. But, when I looked at myself in the mirror with that one strand tied on, that for the first time I saw something different, sensed something different. The belly that I had been ashamed of for so long;  the one marked up with stretch marks, it is BEAUTIFUL  just the way it is. 

At that moment, I realized that there were other women that were probably feeling the same way. The way that I felt after tying on my first strand of waist beads, I knew I had to share it with other ladies. That's when my hands got busy, and I haven't stopped since. 

Who is Brandy Michelle?

I was born in GA, but raised in AL. The military brought me and my family of 6, right back to good old GA. I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and like any other mother, just a little quiet time alone, which I usually find myself using my hands to be creative. It's very seldom that I just sit still. 

When I'm not using my hands to design beautiful adornments for beautiful bellies, I do content marketing and social media, while managing for a few businesses. I am a marketing major from Campbellsville University of KY. I also have a Facebook community of women that I inspire daily to feel comfortable in the skin that they are in.

Waistbeads and sisterhood
Waistbeads are my cape
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